Doodle God Combinations Guide (iOS Android Flash) - AyumiLove (2024)

Doodle God puts the power of creation in your hands. Mixing and matching different elements, work your way up, all the way from bacteria and beetles, to clay and ceramics, to tools, weapons and beyond! But beware, creating a whole world is not so easy – inventing the wheel might just end in a plague of zombies.

Doodle God – Elements Combination List

Doodle God Episodes 1,2,3,4

  • Doodle God Episode 1: Beginning
  • Doodle God Episode 2: Technology
  • Doodle God Episode 3: Modern Age
  • Doodle God Episode 4: World of Magic

Doodle God Quests

  • Doodle God Quest: Save the Princess
  • Doodle God Quest: Devil vs. God
  • Doodle God Quest: Survivor
  • Doodle God Quest: Greatest Inventions
  • Doodle God Quest: Run Santa Run!
  • Doodle God Quest: The Rise of Egypt
  • Doodle God Walkthrough Quest: The Angel and the Imp
  • Doodle God Quest: Sins Vs Virtue

Doodle God 2.0 HD (2013)

  • Doodle God 2.0 HD – Artifacts
  • Doodle God 2.0 HD – Puzzles

Doodle Related Guides

  • Doodle God Guide
  • Doodle Devil Guide
  • Doodle Farm Guide
  • Doodle Creatures Guide
  • Doodle Kingdom Guide
  • Doodle Tanks USSR Guide

Doodle God Episode 1 : Beginning

Doodle God Episode 1 unlocks 4 basic elements : Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

  1. earth + fire = lava
  2. air + earth = dust
  3. air + fire = energy
  4. energy + air = storm
  5. fire + dust = ash
  6. lava + air = stone
  7. fire + stone = metal
  8. water + stone = sand
  9. energy + metal = electricity
  10. water + air = steam
  11. metal + steam = boiler
  12. fire + sand = glass
  13. water + earth = swamp
  14. fire + water = alcohol
  15. swamp + sand = clay
  16. swamp + energy = life
  17. alcohol + water = vodka
  18. water + life = weeds
  19. swamp + life = bacteria
  20. swamp + weeds = moss
  21. earth + moss = grass
  22. swamp + grass = reed
  23. water + bacteria = plankton
  24. life + sand = seeds
  25. life + ash = ghost
  26. life + stone = egg
  27. egg + earth = dinosaur
  28. dinosaur + fire = dragon
  29. air + egg = bird
  30. swamp + moss = fern
  31. clay + life = golem
  32. golem + life = human
  33. human + fire = corpse
  34. human + human = sex
  35. life + corpse = zombie
  36. zombie + corpse = ghoul
  37. human + energy = wizard
  38. wizard + energy = demigod
  39. seed + earth = tree
  40. human + metal = tools
  41. metal + tools = weapons
  42. weapons + man = hunter
  43. hunter + weapons = warrior
  44. warrior + dragon = hero + blood
  45. blood + human = vampire
  46. fire + clay = bricks
  47. tools + reed = paper
  48. bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
  49. tree + tool = wood
  50. feather + paper = book
  51. swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
  52. tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
  53. coal + boiler = steam-engine
  54. human + alcohol = alcoholic
  55. sand + worm = snake
  56. snake + water = fish
  57. water + coal = oil
  58. plankton + fish = whale
  59. snake + tools = poison
  60. poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
  61. poisoned weapon + human = assassin
  62. wood + tool = wheel
  63. earth + tools = field
  64. field + seeds = wheat
  65. wheat + stone = flour
  66. flour + water = dough
  67. dough + fire = bread
  68. bread + alcohol = beer
  69. sand + egg = turtle
  70. swamp + egg = lizard
  71. wood + wheel = cart
  72. cart + steam engine = locomotive
  73. bird + fire = phoenix
  74. lizard + earth = beast
  75. beast + vampire = werewolf
  76. worm + earth = beetle
  77. fire + grass = tobacco
  78. beetle + sand = scorpion
  79. tobacco + paper = cigarette
  80. wood + water = boat
  81. cart + beast = chariot
  82. hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
  83. human + clay = ceramics
  84. human + stone = hut
  85. stone + plankton = shell
  86. shell + stone = limestone
  87. limestone + clay = cement
  88. tools + wool = fabric
  89. human + beast = domesticated animal
  90. life + tree = treant
  91. weeds + earth = mushroom
  92. water + cement = concrete
  93. concrete + bricks = house
  94. fish + beast = dolphin
  95. wood + boat = ship
  96. oil + cart = car
  97. car + air = airplane
  98. fabric + human = clothes
  99. air + worm = butterfly
  100. 100. storm + bird = thunderbird
  101. glass + house = skyscraper
  102. domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
  103. limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
  104. saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
  105. weapon + gunpowder = firearm
  106. ship + fabric = frigate
  107. ship + steam engine = steamship
  108. sand + tree = palmtree

Doodle God Episode 2 : Technology

Doodle God Episode 2 unlocks 1 basic elements : Void

  1. void + glass = lightbulb
  2. void + electricity = radio wave
  3. light bulb + radio wave = tv
  4. tv + book = computer
  5. radiowave + radiowave = radiation
  6. metal + radiation = plutonium
  7. plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  8. computer + radio wave = cell phone
  9. energy + fire = plasma
  10. plasma + void = sun
  11. sun + grass = flower
  12. sun + flower = sunflower
  13. tree + flower = apple
  14. sand + tree = palm tree
  15. seeds + energy = coffee
  16. void + airplane = rocket
  17. Void + rocket= Satellite
  18. Radio wave + fire = laser
  19. laser + book = CD
  20. metal + water = quicksilver
  21. quick silver + demigod= philospers stone
  22. Apple + cell phone = gold
  23. human + computer = cyborg
  24. computer + computer = internet

Doodle God Episode 3 : Modern Age

  1. commandments + human = religion
  2. religion + human = law + sin
  3. Beast + house = cat + dog
  4. tools + law = mechanism
  5. alcoholic + ship = pirate
  6. alcoholic + house = tavern
  7. sand + glass = clock
  8. waater + glass = ice
  9. book + human = knowledge
  10. warrior + firearm = soldier
  11. gold + paper = money
  12. knowledge + fish = octopus
  13. bacteria + milk = cheese
  14. money + human = work
  15. beetle + work = ant
  16. human + bacteria = virus
  17. mechanism + book = typewriter
  18. knowledge + human = scientist
  19. fish + egg = caviar
  20. apple + dough = pie
  21. law + soldier = policeman
  22. ice + milk = ice cream
  23. knowledge + virus = medicine
  24. fire + meat = steak
  25. reed + field = sugar
  26. ice + mechanism = freezer
  27. sex + human = fun
  28. reed + human = music
  29. human + rocket = astronaut
  30. corpse + electricity = death metal
  31. medicine + bacteria = antibiotics
  32. music + alcohol = rock-n-roll
  33. alcohol + grass = absinthe
  34. money + skyscraper = bank
  35. computer + virus = hacker
  36. coffee bean + vodka = b-52
  37. law + fun = games
  38. alcohol + pirate = rum
  39. vodka + pirate = rum
  40. sugar + bread = cookies
  41. alcoholic + money = hangover
  42. money + bank = debt
  43. debt + money = credit card
  44. vodka + firearm = russian roulette
  45. sex + sex = censored
  46. typewriter + human = journalist
  47. life + void = alien
  48. fire + vodka = molotov co*cktail
  49. milk + vodka = white russian
  50. water + water = sea
  51. sun + sea = salt
  52. rocket + alien = ufo
  53. beast + medicine = rat
  54. vodka + worm = tequila
  55. *UFO + wheat = Crop Circles

Doodle God Episode 4 : World Of Magic

  1. magic + void = darkness, light
  2. magic + knowledge = spell
  3. magic + music = bard
  4. magic + religion = priest
  5. magic + priest = prayer
  6. magic + water = potion
  7. magic + beast = unicorn
  8. magic + paper = scroll
  9. light + darkness = shadow
  10. spell + air = illusion
  11. spell + ice = cone of cold
  12. spell + fire = fireball
  13. spell + book = spell book
  14. prayer + priest = healing
  15. light + life = angel
  16. darkness + earth = underground
  17. wizard + zombie = necromancer
  18. wizard + house = tower
  19. beast + darkness = demon
  20. darkness + energy = death
  21. death + healing = resurrection
  22. warrior + priest = paladin
  23. life + void = chaos, order
  24. chaos + void = astral
  25. astral + spell = teleport
  26. astral + death= illithid
  27. astral + metal = silver
  28. law + assassin = rogue
  29. mechanism + life = modron
  30. human + metal = armor
  31. human + weapon = sword, crossbow
  32. human + magic = elf
  33. human + music = bard
  34. human + elf = half-elf
  35. human + swamp = orc, goblin
  36. human + tree = druid
  37. human + stone = dwarf
  38. elf + darkness = drow
  39. elf + metal = mithril
  40. elf + weapon = bow
  41. house + armor = castle
  42. weapons + magic = wand
  43. priest + weapon = mace
  44. drow + metal = adamantite
  45. dwarf + darkness = duergar
  46. dwarf + weapon = axe, hammer
  47. beast + weapon = claws

Quest: Save the Princess

  1. human + sword = warrior
  2. priest + dragon = ash
  3. book + magic = spell book
  4. spell book + human = wizard
  5. human + magic = elf
  6. warrior + priest = paladin
  7. warrior + wizard = adventurer
  8. paladin + wizard = party
  9. party + dragon = dead dragon
  10. adventures + dragon = ash, steak
  11. dead dragon + party = key
  12. king + party = quest
  13. adventures + quest = experience, gold
  14. dragon + quest = mountain
  15. dragon + mountain = lair
  16. lair + rogue = secret door
  17. secret door + key = trap
  18. trap + wizard = ash + maze
  19. maze + party = experience + gold + princess
  20. trap + warrior = corpse

Quest : Devil vs. God

Create three virtues for each of the existing sins. Tap the scale icon to view a Sin/Virtue meter. The arrow will move further to the right the more you progress in the quest.

  1. Human + Religion = Faith
  2. Human + Faith = Salvation
  3. Human + Life = Birth
  4. Human + Human = Love and Birth
  5. Human + Order = Discipline
  6. Human + Money = Gift
  7. Human + Gift/Charity = Generosity
  8. Human + Fun = Cheerfulness
  9. Human + Work = Diligence
  10. Knowledge/Work + Sex = Diligence
  11. Bread + Water = Diet
  12. Diet + Religion = Fasting
  13. Diet + Grass/Weeds = Vegetarianism
  14. Order + Vodka = Abstention
  15. Cellphone + Gift = Free Apps
  16. Cellphone + Free Apps = Altruism
  17. Light + Sin = Virtue
  18. Virtue + Faith = Hope
  19. Virtue + Energy = Calmness
  20. Virtue + Fun = Joy
  21. Virtue + Pride = Modesty
  22. Virtue + Wrath = Humility
  23. Virtue + Humility = Tolerance
  24. Virtue + Human = Assistance and Tolerance
  25. Corpse/Death + Life = Resurrection
  26. Money + Fun = Donation
  27. Money + Donation = Charity
  28. Sex + Scientist/Wizard = Continence
  29. Sex + Order/Priest = Chastity

Quest: Survivor

Ending 1

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Smoke + White Sail = Merchants.
  14. Human + Merchants = Salvation.
  15. Good Ending: You are rescued by merchants and keep all your riches.

Quest : Run Santa Run

  1. sand + fire = glass
  2. metal + water = quicksilver
  3. Void + fire = sun
  4. Water + fire = alcohol
  5. magic + quick silver = Philosopher’s stone
  6. death + human = zombie
  7. philo + metal = gold
  8. worm + alcohol = tequila
  9. alcohol + water = vodka
  10. human + tree = wood
  11. Human + metal = weapon
  12. human + weapon = assasin
  13. alcohol + grass = resinthe
  14. philosoper’s stone + water = beer
  15. music + wood = guitar
  16. zombie + human = brains
  17. assassin + chaos = joker
  18. magic + glass = crystal ball
  19. sun + glass = sunglasses
  20. human + wheat = bread
  21. void + weapon = Death Star
  22. assassin + water = pirate
  23. pirate + alcohol = rum
  24. religion + death = sacrifice
  25. Philosopher Stone + Water = Beer (Fender’s Gift)

Quest: The Rise of Egypt

  1. Human + Sand = Gold
  2. Human + Stone = Flintstone
  3. Human + Water = Life
  4. Life + Sand = Scarab and Sun
  5. Life + Water = Fish
  6. Life + Stone = Egg
  7. Egg + Sand = Hawk
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire
  9. Fire + Human or Fire + Animal = Sacrifice
  10. Human + Sacrifice = Egyptian Priest
  11. Fire + Stone = Metal
  12. Human + Metal = Weapon
  13. Sand + Sand = Desert
  14. Desert + Water = Nile
  15. Nile + Sand = Swamp
  16. Egg + Swamp = Lizard
  17. Lizard + Nile = Crocodile
  18. Life + Nile = Fish and Reed
  19. Flintstone + Reed = Papyrus
  20. Desert + Human = Corpse
  21. Human + Sun = Pharoh
  22. Human + Nile = Field
  23. Field + Life = Beast
  24. Human + Beast = Domestic Animal
  25. Human + Domestic Animal = Meat and Wool
  26. Human + Wool = Fabric
  27. Corpse + Fabric = Mummy
  28. Gold + Mummy = Sarcophagus
  29. Sand + Swamp = Clay
  30. Clay + Fire = Bricks
  31. Human + Bricks = House
  32. House + Beast = Cat
  33. Pharaoh + Hawk = Horus
  34. Pharaoh + Sun = Ra
  35. Pharaoh + House = Temple
  36. Pharaoh + Cat = Bastet
  37. Pharaoh + Crocodile = Sobek
  38. Pharaoh + Stone = Statue

The Angel and the Imp

  1. Angel + Air = Heavens
  2. Angel + Earth = Clay
  3. Angel + Clay or Golem = Human
  4. Angel + Fire = Sun
  5. Angel + Sun = Light
  6. Angel + Water = Sea
  7. Imp + Light = Darkness
  8. Imp + Water = Alcohol
  9. Imp + Sea = Swamp
  10. Imp + Swamp = Sulfur
  11. Imp + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  12. Imp + Air = Storm
  13. Imp + Clay = Golem
  14. Imp + Human = Corpse and Warrior
  15. Imp + Earth = Lava
  16. Imp + Fire or Lava = Inferno
  17. Imp + Sun = Radiation
  18. Imp + Radiation = Nuclear Bomb
  19. Angel + Radiation = Energy
  20. Angel + Energy = Electricity
  21. Angel + Lava = Stone
  22. Angel + Stone = Egg
  23. Angel + Egg = Bird
  24. Angel + Swamp = Grass
  25. Angel + Grass = Flower and Tree
  26. Angel + Tree = Forest
  27. Angel + Sulfur = Sand
  28. Angel + Sand = Beach
  29. Imp + Stone = Metal
  30. Imp + Egg = Dragon
  31. Imp + Bird = Phoenix
  32. Imp + Grass = Poison
  33. Imp + Dragon = Demon
  34. Imp + Forest = Treant
  35. Imp + Metal = Gold
  36. Angel + Dragon = Dinosaur
  37. Angel + Metal = Tools
  38. Angel + Dinosaur = Beast
  39. Angel + Beast = Domestic Animal
  40. Angel + Domestic Animal = Milk and Wool
  41. Angel + Wool = Clothing
  42. Imp + Domestic Animal = Blood and Beat
  43. Imp + Milk = Bacteria
  44. Imp + Tools = Weapon
  45. Imp + Bacteria = Virus
  46. Angel + Bacteria = Beetle
  47. Imp + Beetle = Scorpion
  48. Imp + Scorpion = Poison
  49. Imp + Blood = Vampire
  50. Imp + Beast = Werewolf

Sins vs Virtue

  1. human + human = birth, love
  2. human + order = discipline
  3. human + fun = cheerfulness
  4. human + religion = faith
  5. human + faith = salvation
  6. human + work = diligence
  7. human + money = gift
  8. gift + cellphone = free apps
  9. free apps + cellphone = altruism
  10. fun + money = donation
  11. donation + money = charity
  12. charity + human = generosity
  13. order + alcohol/vodka = abstention
  14. life + death/corpse = resurrection
  15. sin + light = virtue
  16. virtue + human = tolerance, assistance
  17. virtue + energy = calmness
  18. virtue + fun = joy
  19. virtue + wrath = humility
  20. virtue + pride = modesty
  21. virtue + faith = hope
  22. water + bread = diet
  23. diet + grass/weeds = vegetarianism
  24. diet + religion = fasting
  25. sex + knowledge = sublimation
  26. sex + priest = chastity
  27. sex + wizard/scientist = continence

Quest : Greatest Inventions

Discover the 10 inventions belonging to each decade from the 1900’s to 1990’s. You will also have to create some ingredients for these inventions by combining existing elements.


  1. Fire + Energy = Plasma
  2. Plasma + Void = Sun
  3. Electricity + Knowledge = Semiconductor
  4. Energy + Semiconductor = Radio Wave
  5. Cart + Oil = Car
  6. Air + Earth = Dust
  7. Human + Money = Shopping
  8. Fabric + Human = Clothing
  9. Energy + Grass = Tea
  10. Knowledge + Paper = Book
  11. Air + Car = Airplane
  12. Clothing + Metal = Armor
  13. Glass + Void = Lightbulb
  14. Mechanism + Time = Clock
  15. Airplane + Void = Rocket
  16. Rocket + Weapon = Missile
  17. Knowledge + Life = DNA
  18. Lightbulb + Semiconductor = Vacuum Tube
  19. Electricity + Void = Radiowave

Inventions By Decade

Year 1900

  1. Air + Freezer = Air Conditioner
  2. Fabric + Tea = Teabag
  3. Order + Work = Assembly Line
  4. Knowledge + Time = Theory of Relativity
  5. Fabric + Oil = Cellophane
  6. Dust + Void = Vacuum Cleaner
  7. Limestone + Oil = Crayons
  8. Clothing + Water = Washing Machine
  9. Air + Mechanism = Helicopter
  10. Air + Fabric = Zeppelin

Year 1910

  1. Clothing + Woman = Bra
  2. Knowledge + Metal = Stainless Steel
  3. Games + Knowledge = Crossword
  4. Armor + Car = Tank
  5. Air + Armor = Gas Mask
  6. Electricity + Bread = Toaster
  7. Knowledge + Human/Sin = Lie Detector
  8. Food + Life = Vitamin
  9. Electricity + Neon = Neon Lamp
  10. Clothing + Mechanism = Zipper

Year 1920

  1. Medicine + Bacteria = Antibiotics
  2. Airplane + Radiowave = Radar
  3. Fabric + Glue = Bandaid
  4. Work + Mechanism = Robot
  5. Knowledge + Void = Big Bang Theory
  6. Glass + Sun = Sunglasses
  7. Food + Fun = Bubble Gum
  8. Car + Order = Traffic Lights
  9. Food + Freezer = Frozen Food
  10. Fun + Games = Yo-Yo

Year 1930

  1. Cellophane + Glue = Duct Tape
  2. Paper + Photo = Photocopier
  3. Music + Radiowave = FM Radio
  4. Mechanism/Time + Photo = Polaroid
  5. Fire + Mechanism = Jet Engine
  6. Radar + Void OR Knowledge + Radiowave = Radio Telescope
  7. Games + Money = Monopoly
  8. Shopping + Cart = Shopping Cart
  9. Car + Money = Parking Meter
  10. Knowlege + Magic = Software

Year 1940

  1. Firearm + Magic = AK-47
  2. Software + Transistor/Vacuum Tube = First Computer
  3. Gas Mask + Water = Aqualung
  4. Food + Radiowave = Microwave Oven
  5. Money + Shopping = Bar Code
  6. Plutonium + Plutonium/Weapon = Nuclear Bomb
  7. Missile + Weapon = Bazooka
  8. Energy + Plutonium = Nuclear Power Reactor
  9. Clothing + Sun = Bikini
  10. Electricity + Semiconductor = Transistor

Year 1950

  1. Airplane + Earth = Black Box
  2. Paper + Water = Liquid Paper
  3. Money + Debt = Credit Card
  4. Transistor + Transistor = Microchip
  5. Clock + Transistor/Semi-Conductor = Digital Clock
  6. Robot/Rocket + Void = Satellite
  7. Food + Time = Fast Food
  8. Electricity + Sun = Solar Cell
  9. Energy + Semiconductor = Laser
  10. Glue + Time = Super Glue

Year 1960

  1. Life + Photo = 3d Holography
  2. First Computer + Photo = Digital Photography
  3. Credit Card/Mechanism + Money = ATM
  4. Book + Software = Hypertext
  5. Human + Void/Rocket = Astronaut
  6. Armor + Fabric = Kevlar
  7. Cellophane + Music = Audio Casette
  8. Car + Void = Moon Lander
  9. First Computer + Video Game = Computer Mouse
  10. First Computer + Games = Video Game

Year 1970

  1. Phone + Radiowave = Cellphone
  2. Games/Video Game + Music = Karaoke
  3. Games + Puzzle = Copyright
  4. Microchip + Software = Microprocessor
  5. Digital Photography + Time/Life = Digital Camera
  6. First Computer + Micro-processor = Personal Computer
  7. Audio Cassette + Software = Floppy Disk
  8. Astronaut/Satellite + Satellite = Space Station
  9. Car + Electricity = Hybrid Vehicle
  10. Music + Music = Stereo

Year 1980

  1. Mechanism + Medicine = Artificial Heart
  2. First Computer + First Computer = Internet
  3. Floppy Disk + Laser = CD
  4. Personal Computer + Software = MS-DOS
  5. DNA + Knowledge = DNA Fingerprinting
  6. Space Station/Satellite + Space Station = Modular Space Station
  7. Paper + Phone = Fax Machine
  8. Life + Video Game = Virtual Reality
  9. Book + Microchip = Flash Memory
  10. MS-DOS + Software = Windows

Year 1990

  1. CD + CD = DVD
  2. Rocket + Water = Sea Launch
  3. Radiowave/Knoweldge + Satellite = GPS
  4. Cellphone + Personal Computer = Smartphone
  5. Microchip + Music = MP3 Player
  6. Order + Personal Computer = USB
  7. Flash Memory + Book/Software = Memory Card
  8. Hypertext + Internet = WWW
  9. Plasma + TV = Plasma TV
  10. Digital Camera + Internet = Webcam

Ending 2

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest.
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree.
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone.
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick.
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter.
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark.
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire.
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke.
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure.
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass.
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail.
  13. Human + Spyglass = Pirates.
  14. Gold + Pirates = Torture and Death.
  15. Bad Ending: The pirates abandon you on the island.

Ending 3

  1. Human + Island = Beach and Cliffs and Forest
  2. Human + Forest = Bushes and Game and Tree
  3. Human + Cliffs = Cave and Stone
  4. Human + Tree = Leaves and Stick
  5. Leaves + Stick = Shelter
  6. The Map to buried treasure will be automatically added to your elements once you create the Shelter.
  7. Stone + Stone = Spark
  8. Leaves + Spark = Bonfire
  9. Leaves + Bonfire = Smoke
  10. Human + Map = Hidden Treasure
  11. Human + Hidden Treasure = Compass and Gold and Spyglass
  12. Human + Spyglass = Black Sail and White Sail
  13. Smoke + Black Sail = Pirates
  14. Human + Pirates = Death
  15. Bad Ending: You are killed by pirates.

Extraneous Elements

  1. Human + Sea = Water
  2. Sun + Water = Salt
  3. Oysters and Palm Tree and Sand = Beach + Human.
  4. Sand + Water = Clay
  5. Clay + Sun = Bricks
  6. Human + Bushes = Berries and Leaves
  7. Human + Palm Tree = Coconut and Liana
  8. Stone + Stick = Hammer
  9. Stone + Hammer = Flintstone
  10. Flintstone + Stick = Axe
  11. Axe + Tree = Wood
  12. Axe + Stick = Spear
  13. Game + Spear = Carcass
  14. Axe + Carcass = Meat and Skin
  15. Meat + Salt = Jerky
  16. The Knife is automatically added to your elements after completing Jerky.
  17. Carcass + Knife = Sinew and Meat and Skin
  18. Clay + Bonfire = Pottery
  19. Carcass + Flintstone = Bones and Meat
  20. Sea + Spear = Fish
  21. Sinew + Sinew = Rope
  22. Rope + Stick = Bow and Fishing Rod
  23. Human + Skin = Clothes
  24. Bonfire + Wood = Ash and Coal and Bonfire
  25. Bonfire + Meat = Steak
  26. Bricks + Bricks = Walls
  27. Bones + Rope = Needle and Thread
  28. Needle and Thread + Skin = Canvas
  29. Canvas + Stick = Sail
  30. Forest + Rope = Snare
  31. Rope + Wood = Raft
  32. Raft + Sail = Sailing Raft
  33. Raft + Sea = Storm
  34. Sailing Raft + Sea = Calm
  35. Shelter + Walls = Hut

Doodle God Puzzles

Puzzle: All You Need is Love

This puzzle was released with the 2014 Valentine update.

  1. Beast + Angel = Wool
  2. Wool + Angel = Rope
  3. Tree + Angel = Stick
  4. Stick + Rope = Bow
  5. Angel + Bow = Love Bow!!

Puzzle: Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree puzzle was released in the 2013 Christmas update.

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Water + Lava = Stone + Steam
  3. Ice + Air = Snow
  4. Water + Stone = Sand
  5. Life + Sand = Seeds
  6. Seeds + Earth = Tree
  7. Tree + Snow = Christmas Tree

Puzzle: Elemental Ice Cream

Create Ice Cream using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava.
  2. Air + Lave = Stone.
  3. Stone + Water = Sand.
  4. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  5. Glass + Water = Ice.
  6. Ice + Milk = Ice Cream.

Puzzle: Independence Day in a Village

  1. Grass + Domestic Animal = Fertilizer and Milk
  2. Life + Swamp = Bacteria (repeat once for a total of 2 Bacteria)
  3. Bacteria + Water = Plankton
  4. Bacteria + Swamp = Sulfur and Worm
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells
  6. Shells + Stone = Limestone
  7. Limestone + Fertilizer = Saltpetre
  8. Saltpetre + Sulfur = Gunpowder
  9. Gunpowder + Fire = Firecracker

Puzzle: In the Name of Peace

Create a Flower using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle

  1. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  2. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  3. Energy + Human = Wizard.
  4. Fire + Water = Alcohol.
  5. Fire + Alcohol = Energy.
  6. Energy + Wizard = Demigod.
  7. Demigod + Nuclear Bomb = Flower.

Puzzle: Locomotive in the Woods

Create a Locomotive using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle

  1. Air + Water = Steam.
  2. Stone + Stone = Fire and Stone and Stone.
  3. Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Fires total.
  4. Fire + Tree = Ash and Ash and Coal.
  5. Fire + Stone = Metal.
  6. Repeat this step again to create 2 Metals total.
  7. Human + Metal = Tools.
  8. Metal + Steam = Boiler.
  9. Boiler + Coal = Steam Engine.
  10. Tools + Tree = Tools and Wood.
  11. Repeat this step again to create 2 Wood total.
  12. Tools + Wood = Wheel.
  13. Wheel + Wood = Cart.
  14. Cart + Steamengine = Locomotive.

Puzzle: Mother’s Day Postcard

The Mother’s Day create a postcard puzzle was a limited puzzle to celebrate mother’s day.

  1. Earth + Moss = Grass
  2. Grass + Sun = Flower
  3. Earth + Water = Swamp
  4. Grass + Swamp = Reed
  5. Reed + Tools = Paper
  6. Paper + Flower = Postcard

Puzzle: Skyscraper

Create a Skyscraper using the limited elements you have available. An element will be consumed if it is used in a combination, and the newly created element will be added to your list. Make the following combinations to complete the puzzle.

  1. Earth + Water = Swamp.
  2. Repeat this step two more times to create 3 Swamps total.
  3. Life + Swamp = Bacteria.
  4. Bacteria + Water = Plankton.
  5. Plankton + Stone = Shells.
  6. Sand + Swamp = Clay.
  7. Repeat this step again to create 2 Clays total.
  8. Stone + Stone = Fire + Stone + Stone.
  9. Repeat this step again to create 2 Fires total.
  10. Clay + Fire = Bricks.
  11. Fire + Sand = Glass.
  12. Shells + Stone = Limestone.
  13. Clay + Limestone = Cement.
  14. Cemente + Water = Concrete.
  15. Bricks + Concrete = House.
  16. House + Glass = Skyscraper.

Puzzle: Snowfall

The Doodle God snowfall puzzle was released with the 2013 Christmas update.

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Air + Lava = Stone
  3. Water + Stone = Sand
  4. Sand + Fire = Glass
  5. Glass + Water = Ice
  6. Ice + Air = Snow

Puzzle: Tavern

  1. Fire + Water = Alcohol
  2. Clay + Fire = Bricks
  3. Clay + Life = Golem
  4. Golem + Life = Human
  5. Human + Alcohol = Alcoholic
  6. Clay + Limestone = Cement
  7. Cement + Water = Concrete
  8. Bricks + Concrete = House
  9. Alcoholic + House = Tavern

Puzzle: Firecracker

This puzzle is only in the Doodle God 2.0 version for iPhone and iPad.

  1. Domestic animal + grass = fertilizer and milk
  2. Life + swamp = bacteria (repeat twice)
  3. Bacteria + water = plankton
  4. Bacteria + swamp = sulfur + worm
  5. Plankton + stone = shells
  6. Shells + stone = limestone
  7. Limestone + fertilizer = saltptre
  8. Saltpetre + sulfur = gun powder
  9. Gun powder + fire = firecracker


  1. Pyramid of Cheops = Sand + Corpse + Stone
  2. Sphinx = Stone + Human + Beast
  3. Eiffel Tower = Metal + Tower + Skyscraper
  4. Godzilla = Dinosaur + Radiation + Sea
  5. Holy Grail = Blood + Resurrection + Demigod
  6. Lightsaber = Sword + Energy + Light
  7. Pandora’s Box = Chaos + Death + Darkness
  8. Perpetual (Motion Device) = Mechanism + Void + Energy
  9. Ring of Power (The One Ring) = Lava + Magic + Demon
  10. Stone + Stone + Stone = Stonehenge
  11. Titanic = Ship + Ice + Death
  12. Animated Marionette = Wood + Life + Tool
  13. Santa’s Sleigh = Snow + Wood + Human
  14. Basilisk = Human + Beast + Stone OR Poison + Stone + Lizard (based on version)

Doodle God 2 for iOS version 2.5

Firecracker puzzle:

  1. Domestic animal + grass = fertilizer and milk
  2. Life + swamp = bacteria (repeat twice)
  3. Bacteria + water = plankton
  4. Bacteria + swamp = sulfur + worm
  5. Plankton + stone = shells
  6. Shells + stone = limestone
  7. Limestone + fertilizer = saltptre
  8. Saltpetre + sulfur = gun powder
  9. Gun powder + fire = firecracker

Doodle God Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make void?
You get void beginning of Doodle God Episode 2. It came after 100 elements.

How to get Commandment?
You get it at Doodle God Episode 3 as starting element.
Starting elements are elements given during the beginning of an Episode.
For example, Doodle God Episode 1 starting elements are Fire, Water, Earth and Air.
These elements are be made available as you progress to the next Episodes.
To progress next episode, you must complete all combinations within current Episode.

How do you make Magic?
Magic Element is unlock once you reach Doodle God Episode 4.

How do you make Commandment?
Commandment is unlock once you reach Doodle God Episode 3.
You need to make a nuclear first to unlock the Commandments…
Nuclear formula is plutonium + weapon… (plutonium + weapon = nuclear)
Doing so, you will reach Doodle God Episode 3.
Contributed by Zed

How many elements do I need to finish to reach Doodle God Episode 3?
70 elements (70/115 elements with 14/14 groups)

i tried doing all of the above but it won’t let me. Am I doing something wrong?
Probably you did not reach Doodle Episode 4 which unlocks Magic element.
If you dont recieve the element you can’t do the rest of the combinations.

How do you make void?
You get the void when you start Doodle God Episode 2.

How many elements do u need to get magic?
197 elements (197/248 elements with 22/26 groups)

How do you get Doodle Episode 4?
When you finish Doodle Episode 3.

Doodle New Discoveries

Post your Doodle God discovery below if its not listed here. I’ll update this page with your findings! Kindly inform me if there is a new release of Doodle God so I could quickly add new combinations for quests, puzzles and new episode release!

Doodle God Combinations Guide (iOS Android Flash) - AyumiLove (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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