Commands | QBCore Documentation (2024)

A list of all the commands and their respective resource


This function allows you to register a command with a specified user level

QBCore.Commands.Add(name, help, arguments, argsrequired, callback, permission, ...)
  • name: string

  • help: string

  • arguments: table

  • argsrequired: boolean

  • callback: function

  • permission: string


local arguments = { { name = 'arg 1', help = 'This will give helpful hints on what arg is for' }, { name = 'arg 2', help = 'This will give helpful hints on what arg is for' }}local argsRequired = true -- if this is true the command won't work without args enteredQBCore.Commands.Add('test', 'Trigger a test command', arguments, argsRequired, function(source) print('Congrats, you made a test command that anyone can trigger!')end, 'user')


This function will trigger a refresh of all commands suggestions. This is helpful for when setting permissions to a higher level, it will refresh the suggestions list so the player can now see the new commands they have access to!

  • source: number


RegisterCommand('refreshCommands', function() QBCore.Commands.Refresh(source) print('You have refreshed all command suggestions for yourself')end, true)


/admin - opens the admin menu

Opens the admin menu

Permission level: admin

/blips - toggles player blips

Adds a blip to the map for all players. Useful to monitor player locations.

Permission level: admin

/names - toggles player names

Shows player names and IDs above heads

Permission level: admin

/coords - shows your current coords

Shows your current coordinates in vector3(x, y, z) format

Permission level: admin

/maxmods - sets vehicle to max mods

Sets the current vehicle to have maximum performance modifications

Permission level: admin

/noclip - toggles noclip

Toggles noclip

Permission level: admin

/admincar - adds current vehicle to garage

Saves the current vehicle to the database table player_vehicles allowing access to the vehicle in the garage

Permission level: admin

/announce [message] - creates an announcement

Creates an announcement to be sent to all players in the chat.

Permission level: admin

  • message - (required) The message to send

/report [message] - create a report to staff

Sends a message to staff in the chat and stores the message as a report

Permission level: user

  • message - (required) The message to send

/reportr [message] - replies to a user report

Replies to a user report with the given message

Permission level: admin

  • message - (required) The message to send in the reply

/reporttoggle - opt in/out of receiving player reports

Opt in/out of receiving player reports in chat

Permission level: admin

/staffchat [message] - sends a staff-only message

Sends a message in chat visible only to users with the 'admin' permission level

Permission level: admin

  • message - (required) The message to send

/warn [id] [reason] - warn a player

Sends a message to the player with the given id with the reason given. Also, adds a warning against the player in the database table player_warns

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player being warned

  • reason - (required) The reason for giving a warning

/checkwarns [id] [opt: number] - view a warning for a given player

Checks for existing warnings against a player with the given id. If no warning number is given in the command, it will display the number of warnings the player has received. If a warning number is given in the command, it will display that warning.

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player being checked

  • number - (optional) The warning number (1, 2, 3, etc...)

/delwarn [id] [number] - deletes a warning from a player

Deletes a warning from a player and removes the database entry

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • number - (required) The warning number to be deleted (1, 2, 3 etc...)

/givenuifocus [id] [hasFocus] [hasCursor] - Sets nuifocus state for player

This command sets the NUI focus state for a player with the given id. This allows you to manually set the following native: if a player is stuck in an NUI overlay.

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • hasFocus - (required) [true/false] Whether the NUI has focus or not

  • hasCursor - (required) [true/false] Whether the player has cursor when using NUI

/setmodel [model] [id] - changes the players ped model

Changes the ped model of the player with the given id.

Permission level: admin

  • model - (required) The ped model to change to

  • id - (required) The id of the player whos ped model is being changed

/setspeed [opt: speed] - sets players foot speed

Sets your foot speed between default and "fast"

Permission level: admin

  • speed - (optional) ["fast"] will set foot speed to "fast". If this argument is left blank it will set foot speed to "normal"

/kickall - kick all players from server

Kicks all players from the server.

Permission level: god

/setammo [amount] [opt: weapon] - set weapon ammo

Sets the ammo amount for current gun in hand or weapon if given

Permission level: admin

  • amount - (required) The amount of ammo to set

  • weapon - (optional) The weapon to set the ammo for. Will set ammo for current gun in hand if left blank

/vector2 - Copies vector2 to clipboard

Copies vector2(x, y) to clipboard of your current coordinates.

Permission level: admin

/vector3 - Copies vector3 to clipboard

Copies vector3(x, y, z) to clipboard of your current coordinates

Permission level: admin

/vector4 - Copies vector4 to clipboard

Copies vector4(x, y, z, w) to clipboard of your current coordinates

Permission level: admin

/heading - Copies heading

Copies heading w to clipboard of your current heading (the direction you are facing)

Permission level: admin


/tp [id / x] [opt: y] [opt: z]- teleport to player or location

Teleports you to either a player with the given id or to a given x, y, z location

Permission level: admin

  • id or x - (required) The player id or x coordinate

  • y - (optional) The y coordinate (required if using x for the first argument)

  • z - (optional) The z coordinate (required if using x for the first argument)

/tpm - teleport to a marked location

Teleports you to the marked location on the map.

Permission level: admin

/togglepvp - toggle PVP on server

Toggles Player vs Player mode on the server

Permission level: admin

/addpermission [id] [permission] - gives a player a permission

Gives a player with the given id the given permission level. The player must be online.

Permission level: god

/removepermission [id] [permission] - removes a player permission

Removes the given permission from the player with the given id. The player must be online.

Permission level: god

/openserver - open the server for everyone

Opens the server allowing everyone to join.

Permission level: admin

/closeserver [reason] - close the server for people without permission

Closes the server for people without the correct permission. Kicks any players currently online without the required permission giving the reason in the kick message.

Permission level: admin

/car [model] - spawns a vehicle

Spawns a vehicle of the given model type.

Permission level: admin

/dv - delete vehicle

Deletes the vehicle you are sitting in or deletes all vehicles within 5.0 units of your position.

Permission level: admin

/givemoney [id] [type] [amount] - give money to a player

Gives money to a player

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • type - (required) The money type [cash, bank etc...]

  • amount - (required) The amount to give

/setmoney [id] [type] [amount] - set the amount of money a player has

Sets the amount of money a player has.

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • type - (required) The money type [cash, bank etc...]

  • amount - (required) The amount to set

/job - display your current job

Displays your current job name and grade

Permission level: user

/setjob [id] [job] [grade] - sets a players job

Sets a player with the given id to have the given job with the given grade

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • job - (required) The job name

  • grade - (required) The job grade

/gang - display your current gang

Displays your current gang name and grade

Permission level: user

/setgang [id] [gang] [grade] - sets a players gang

Sets a player with the given id to be part of the given gang with the given grade

Permission level: admin

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • gang - (required) The gang name

  • grade (required) The gang grade

/clearinv [opt: id]- clears a players inventory

Clears the inventory of a player with the given id or your own inventory if no id is given

Permission level: admin

  • id - (optional) The id of a player

/ooc [message] - ooc chat command

Sends an out-of-character (ooc) message to the chat.

Permission level: user

  • message - (required) The message to send

/me [message] - shows a message above your head

Shows a 3d text message above your head. Useful for enhancing roleplay.

Permission level: user

  • message - (required) The message to display


/911e [message] - sends a message to EMS

Sends a message to EMS players with the job 'ambulance'.

Permission level: user

  • message - (required) The message to send

/status - check the status of the nearest player

This will find the closest player and check their health status

Permission level: user

/heal - heals the nearest player

This will find the nearest player and heal them

Permission level: user

/revivep - revives the nearest player

This will find the nearest player and revive them

Permission level: user

/revive - revive yourself

Revives yourself to full health

Permission level: admin

/setpain [opt: id] - sets the pain level to the player

Sets the pain level to the player with the given id or to yourself if no id is given.

Permission level: admin

/kill [opt: id] - kills the player

Kills the player with the given id or kills yourself if no id is given.

Permission level: admin

  • id - (optional) The player id

/aheal [opt: id] - heals a player

Heals a player with the given id or heals yourself if no id is given.

Permission level: admin

  • id - (optional) The player id


/911p [message] - sends an alert to the police

This command sends an alert to all players with the job 'police'. The alert will contain the given message and a blip is added to the police player's map at your current location.

Permission level: user

  • message - (required) The message to send with the alert

/spikestrip - Place a spike strip

Places a Spike Strip object on the ground. The player must have the job of 'police' and be on duty to use.

Permission level: user

/grantlicense [id] [license] - give a player a license

Gives a player with the given id the license of the given license type.

This command can only be used by players with the job of 'police' above the minimum grade as set by Config.LicenseRank (Default is grade 2 and above).

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • license - (required) The license type (E.g. "weapon" or "driver")

/revokelicense [id] [license] - remove a player's license

Removes a license of the given license type from a player with the given id.

This command can only be used by players with the job of 'police' above the minimum grade as set by Config.LicenseRank (Default is grade 2 and above).

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) The id of the player

  • license - (required) The license type (E.g. "weapon" or "driver")

/pobject [type] - allows officer to spawn an object

Allows a player with the job of 'police' to spawn an object

Permission level: user

  • type - (required) The object type. Available types:

    • cone - a traffic cone

    • barrier - a roadblock barrier

    • roadsign - a road sign

    • tent - a gazebo for crime scenes

    • light - a work light

    • delete - delete an object

/cuff - cuff the nearest player

This command will hard cuff the nearest player (prevents movement) .

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/sc - soft cuff the nearest player

This command will soft cuff the nearest player (allows movement).

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/escort - escort the nearest player

This command will escort the nearest player.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/callsign [name] - allows officer to set a callsign

Allows a player with the job of 'police' to set their callsign. The callsign is visible as the name of the player's blip on the map.

Permission level: user

  • name - (required) the callsign to be used

/jail - sends nearest player to jail

This command will send the nearest player to jail. A menu will open allowing the officer to set the jail time.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/unjail [id] - unjail a player

Unjail a player with the given id

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) the id of the player

/clearcasings - clears bullet casings in the area

Clears any bullet casings with 10.0 units of your current location.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/clearblood - clears blood drops in the area

Clears any blood drops with 10.0 units of your current location.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/seizecash - seize cash from the nearest player

Seize cash from the nearest player.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/cam [id] - allows officer to see cam footage from selected spots

Allows a player with the job of 'police' to view security cameras. Security camera locations can be set up in the config file of qb-policejob. See Config.SecurityCameras.

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) the id of the camera

/flagplate [plate] [reason] - allows speed cameras to find a plate flagged

Allows speed cameras that can be set up in the config to find a flagged plate. See Config.Radars

Permission level: user

  • plate - (required) the plate to be flagged

  • reason - (required) the reason for the flag

/unflagplate [plate] - removes the flag from the plate

Removes the flag on the plate so cameras will no longer pick up the plate.

Permission level: user

  • plate - (required) the plate to be unflagged

/plateinfo [plate] - shows the info of the plate

Shows whether a plate is flagged and gives the reason if so.

Permission level: user

  • plate - (required) the plate to check

/depot [price] - allows officer to impound vehicle for a price

Allows a player with the job of 'police' to send a vehicle to the impound for the given price

Permission level: user

  • price - (required) the price set for removing vehicle from depot

/impound - impounds a vehicle without a price

impounds a vehicle without a price

Can only be used by a player with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/paytow [id] - pays the tow driver $500

Pays the player with the given id $500. The player being paid must have the job of 'tow'.

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) the id of the player being paid

/paylawyer [id] - pays a lawyer $500

Pays the player with the given id $500. The player being paid must have the job of 'lawyer'.

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) the id of the player being paid

/anklet - adds a tracking device to the closest player

Adds a tracking device to the closest player.

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/ankletlocation [cid] - shows the location of the player

Shows the location of the player with the given cid

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

  • cid - (required) the citizen id of the player being checked

/takedrivinglicense - takes the players drivers license

Takes the driving license of the closest player

Can only be used by players with the job of 'police'

Permission level: user

/takedna [id] - takes the players dna

Takes the dna of a player with a given id. Requires an empty evidence bag.

Permission level: user

  • id - (required) the id of the player


  • /givecash - gives the player an amount of cash


  • /drivinglicense - give player a license after a driving test


  • /binds - allows you to set customs key binds


  • /divingsuit - uses the diving suit


  • /newdoor - opens UI for creating new door

  • /doordebug - debug for doorlocks


  • /newdealer - creats a new dealer at a location (front door of house)

  • /deletedealer - deales a saved dealer

  • /dealers - show list if info on dealers

  • /dealergoto - teleport to dealer


  • /cleargarbroutes - removes garbo routes for user


  • /removestand - removes a hotdog stand


  • /decorate - opens decorate menu/options

  • /createhouse - creates a house at location

  • /addgarage - adds garage at location

  • /ring - rings a doorbell at location


  • /cash - displays current cash amount

  • /bank - displays current bank amount

  • /dev - displays a dev icon


  • /resetinv - resets inventory on stash/trunk/glovebox

  • /rob - robs closest player

  • /giveitem - gives item to a player

  • /randomitems - gives random items to a player


  • /cancelrace - cancel the current race

  • /togglesetup - turn on or off race setup


  • /setvehiclestatus - sets the vehicles status

  • /setmechanic - give someone the mechanic job

  • /firemechanic - fire a mechanic


  • /logout - logout of current character

  • /closeNUI - closes the multicharacter NUI


  • /newscam - gives player a a news camra

  • /newsmic - gives player a news microphone

  • /newsbmic - gives player a boom microphone


  • /setmetadata - sets the players metadata

  • /bill - sends a bill* /invoice to player


  • /getintrunk - Gets in the trunk

  • /putintrunk - puts a player in the trunk (kidnap)


  • /resetarmor - resets the armor

  • /resetparachute - resets a parachute

  • /testwebhook - test to see if webhook for logs is working

  • /id - displays your id


  • /createrace - starts a street race

  • /stoprace - stops current street race

  • /quitrace - quits the current street race

  • /startrace - starts the current street race


  • /npc - Toggles a tow job from a npc

  • /tow - puts closes vehicle on flatbed (must be behind truck)


  • /multikeys - gives keys to another player


  • /fix - fixes current vehicle


  • /engine - toggles engine on/off

  • /givekeys - gives keys to a player

  • /addkeys - adds keys to that player

  • /removekeys - removes keys from player


  • /transferVehicle - gift or sell your vehicle to someone


  • /repairweapon - repairs a weapon

Commands | QBCore Documentation (2024)


Which command is used to display the documentation? ›

Which command is used to display the documentation of commands in UNIX? Explanation: UNIX provides us with a facility of man command, which is used for getting documentation of any command.

Is QB Core free? ›

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

What is the difference between Qbox and QB core? ›

What are the differences between QBCore and Qbox? While originally forked from QBCore, many Qbox resources have been refactored to improve code quality, enhance security, lower performance overhead, and integrate with overextended (opens in a new tab) resources.

What are the different types of commands in discord? ›

Types of Commands

There are three types of application commands: slash commands, user commands, and message commands.

Which command is used to display the records? ›

The SELECT command is used to select data from a database. The information is kept in a section called the result-set.

What command displays file content? ›

The cat command is the simplest way to view the contents of a file. It displays the contents of the file(s) specified on to the output terminal. Sometimes, we might want to number the lines in the output.

Is esx or QBCore better? ›

ESX has a vast library of scripts and plugins available, as it has been in use for longer in the FiveM community. This means you'll have a wider choice of features to customise your server. QBCore, on the other hand, has a smaller but growing library of scripts.

What is QB core? ›

QBCore is an organization that provides open source code for the FiveM community.

What is QBx FiveM? ›

Qbox is an advanced core with a load of bloat. Commonly known as a Framework. Aiming to deliver high quality and industry standard resources. Optimisation and Code security are of the upmost importance too us. Focused on RolePlay worthy resources that are usable on the FiveM platform.

What is the simplest version of QuickBooks? ›

QuickBooks Simple Start is the easiest and quickest way for single users (freelancers, gig workers, solo entrepreneurs) to manage all of their income and expenses in one simple tool.

What is the lowest subscription level of QuickBooks Online? ›

There are four subscription levels for QuickBooks Online: Simple Start is $35 per month, Essentials is $65 per month, Plus is $99 per month, and Advanced is $235 per month. Note: Pricing varies for each product; pricing can be reviewed on our pricing page. A free 30 day trial is available for QuickBooks Online plans.

What is QBOX used for? ›

Qbox is a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox. Like those services the files reside on your computer but are also stored, and backed up, in the cloud. A good reason to use Qbox over other cloud services is that your QuickBooks files will get corrupt over time when using a service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

What is pycord? ›

Pycord is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord, written in Python. Pycord is a maintained fork of

What does Ctrl B do in Discord? ›

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard ShortcutAction
Mark Server ReadShift + Escape
Toggle HotkeysControl + Slash
Return to Previous Text ChannelControl + B
Return to Active Audio ChannelControl + ALT + A
24 more rows

What are the 4 numbers in Discord? ›

The 4 digits after one's username are very useful in finding and adding your friends. A few other platforms and some video games use similar systems which make is WAY easier to find the people you want to find. The times of (random example, no specific user) xXShadowBeast347892Xx are over.

Which command is used to display the documentation of comments in Unix? ›

Try using either the “man” or “info” commands with the command line program as the argument. For example, to get documentation on “grep”: man grep.

Which command is used to display a file in Linux? ›

The simplest way to view text files in Linux is the cat command. It displays the complete contents in the command line without using inputs to scroll through it.

What is the command to display the file system? ›

You can use commands like df -Th, lsblk -f, or blkid followed by the partition path (e.g., /dev/sda1) to display the file system type of a specific partition.

Which command in DOS is used to display? ›

The dir command displays a directory's files and subdirectories. The /S option recursively lists subdirectories and their contents.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5985

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.